Greenwave Ecoply

As well as being one of the most innovative new building materials to hit the market in recent years, it’s also one of the most environmentally-friendly and economical.
Manufactured from 100% recycled plastic without any harmful chemicals. This alternative is Significantly longer lasting compared to timber and plywood.
Each of our EcoPly sheet is manufactured from 100% waste plastic which typically ends up being land-filled or incinerated. Each sheet is engineered to perform as an alternative to imported plywood, or to virgin plastic panels, yet in turn are fully recyclable at end-of-life.

When waste is managed at source it becomes a resource. Using these resources, Green wave Eco tries to create a circular economy by creating products made with recycled post-consumer waste. If you are interested to know more or want to buy these recycled waste products, please write to us – [email protected] / [email protected]